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Journey to Greece - Scene 2

Kristen Bjorn Play
Journey to Greece - Scene 2
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   (4.38) 37 votes

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Price:  $5.20
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O escultural Max Veneziano, o belo Pietro Rosselli e o excelente Antonio Armani, com seu sexy cabelo manchado estão se divertindo pelados na praia. Max, Pietro e Antonio parecem antigos deuses enquanto paqueram, o que é perfeitamente apropriado para a cena. Um pouco mais tarde os três encontrar um lugar escondido para experimental carnalmente uns aos outros. Com Antonio ajoelhado lambendo e passando a língua pelas malhadas nádegas de Pietro enquanto Max permanece em pé, seu corpo inchado de perfil, massageando seu enorme rabo. É então quando Antonio experimenta Pietro e Max, chupando as suas rolas se revezando entre elas.  Os dois garanhões liberam enormes quantidades de gozada que gotejam sobre o sarado e bronzeado tórax de Antonio. A cena então muda para um trenzinho de lambidas e chupadas, com Max afundando a língua no cu de Antonio enquanto ele faz o mesmo com Pietro. Max e Pietro fodem Antonio se revezando e Max esvazia suas bolas sobre a barriga de Antonio. Logo depois Pietro faz um papai e mamãe com Antonio, Max senta a bunda na cara de Antonio e depois disso, Antonio senta sobre a bandeira hasteada de Max, cavalgando sobre ele enquanto seu cacete duro balança. Para acabar a cena Max e Pietro soltam um impressionante carregamento de porra quente.

Comentários sobre esta cena

Observe: Spam ou ataques rudes serão imediatamente apagados
28 Sep 2015

max's cockhead and lips look like the same kind of skin-shiny and smooth-bet they both taste good-would love to find out

02 Nov 2015

not a single man in this movie id say no to

05 May 2017

I totally agree with William. Max, Pietro and Antonio all have highly-attractive qualities, and I will deal with them in order, saving The Best, to last. :-any man that chooses to "top and Tail" like Max, is always "A Turn On", in my book. that long cock , with no pubic hair,is irresistible, but Max`s eyes are mesmerising in their sexual intent. Pietro is an attractive man in a different way, and has young Male Beauty coupled with rather a nice Bubble Butt,which dances over Antonio`s tongue, rather rhythmically.. but,,he nevertheless, chooses to be A Top. Antonio Armani is the man that really does most of the work. His rimming and cock sucking skills cause both men to spout automatically, which is quite some feat. I, for one, would not have neglected Antonio`s rather nice nates, which are very nicely shaped, unusually- pronounced, and beg to be pinched hard.. He also has rather nice feet.. I rate Antonio as a highly tactile Sensualist, .Let me say that Max and Pietro were highly-privileged to have gone to be with him !

30 Sep 2022

Antonio is such a great bottom - I love seeing his beautiful ass get used. Too bad he didn't eat any of that cum. His little dick is so cute too while he is riding at the end.

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