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Bareback Bam: Gabriel Lunna, Bambam

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Price:  $11.85
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Gabriel Lunna has been hitting the gym really hard lately and has been admiring the muscular physique of Bambam. Little does Gabriel know, but Bambam has been admiring all of Gabriel’s hard work. Gabriel finally works up the nerve and invites Bambam over after the gym. When they arrive, it is evident what both men want from the other. Gabriel drops to his knees and unharnesses Bambam’s granite cock with its hook at the head that makes it so much easier to glide down Gabriel’s accommodating throat.  Bambam grabs Gabriel by the head and begins forcing his fat shaft deeper down Gabriel’s throat. Bursting at the seams, Gabriel’s cock is about to explode when Bambam takes it into his mouth. Bambam is fascinated that Gabriel’s cock hooks in the opposite direction of his cock and loves the difference. Flipping Gabriel around, Bambam runs his snake like tongue up and down the crevice of Gabriel’s furry ass. The long serpent tongue runs the full length of Gabriel’s ass and along his hard cock shaft. Bambam moves in and finds the bullseye that he desires and begins penetrating his tongue in and out of Gabriel’s hot hole. With Gabriel’s ass soaking wet, Bambam rams his raw cock full length into that furry ass. Bambam repeatedly plunges his bare cock in and out of Gabriel’s ass before flipping him onto his back. Once again Bambam slams his perfectly hooked cock deep within Gabriel’s ass. Looking up at the handsome, muscle giant turns Gabriel on and then to feel his throbbing cock deep inside of his ass brings Gabriel to the edge. Bambam and Gabriel ride the building rhythm in unison as Bambam explodes his huge load of cum all over Gabriel’s ripped abs and coats his furry balls with that thick load. Bambam moves in and begins lapping up his thick cum from Gabriel’s furry balls, this only pushes Gabriel over the edge as he unleashes his milky load. Bambam’s serpentine tongue moves up and down Gabriel’s cock then moves in and wraps around the head before consuming it and all of the cum frothing forth. Admiration turns to lust, turns to passion, turns to physical desire and release.

Comentários sobre esta cena

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28 Sep 2017

Gabriel and Bambam penises get to know each other independently in this video. One has an upward twist, and one has a downward twist .Bambam`s downward twist is ideal for deep throating purposes, and for internally massaging Gabriel`s prostrate gland, as it so rhythmically hits the vamping G Spots, time after time. What searing climaxes these two men let through their throbbing frames ! It was more than "Wham bam, aligazam" for Bam Bam.. Hopefully, he will film again for Kristen.

28 Jan 2018

Bambam has excellent Rimming skills as well as being able to thrust effectively. He is a fine figure of a man, and clearly is A Player.

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